Year 7’s turn out in force to plant over 130 trees in the rewilding areas of the Gryphon school grounds.

Rewilding Day at The Gryphon School.

Following my talk to the whole year group on the Youth day of COP 26, Year 7’s wasted no time getting into action to help nature recover within their school. It is now the third year of rewilding at the Gryphon School, and we have seen a spectacular return of nature - with hares, kestrel and badgers amongst other native species foraging, hunting and making a home amidst the newly regenerating field margins and hedgerows.

It is extraordinary the transformation we have seen, what’s more rewilding at the Gryphon School is a visible and tangible example of what could be possible in all school grounds across the nation.

Of equal importance is the impact on young people. Caring for nature at school is a positive action every student can take to support biodiversity and help to combat climate change. It is through small steps such as this, through the simple things we can all do to help restore nature, that we will ultimately usher in the greater cultural change we so desperately need.

Well done everyone at the Gryphon School.


Rewilding begins at the Shoreham Academy


Corfe Castle CE VC Primary School Join the Conservation School Award.