Publication of ‘The Rewilding Manual for Schools’

We are very excited to announce the publication of ‘The Rewilding Manual for Schools - a guide to restoring nature in your school grounds.’ available to purchase on Amazon today. This handbook, written by Lesley Malpas, Operation Future Hope’s Founder and CEO, provides clear guidance on why rewilding in schools is so important, as well as practical instructions on how to rewild your school grounds. The manual also touches on mental health and the benefits of a wilder landscape within schools, together with teaching simple practices to help you reconnect with nature. An essential read for any one involved in the school community - Heads, teachers, students, parents, grandparents, family and friends alike!

“An exciting, inspiring and yet eminently practical and clearsighted guide on how to rewild school grounds. A must-read for anyone involved in schools but also plenty for every gardener to learn from. Lesley Malpas has lit a fuse which I hope will ignite in schools across the UK and beyond.”



Crowdfunder Campaign to Rewild Britain’s Schools.


OFH Nature and Rewilding Apprenticeship Course launches in Sherborne Schools.